SAIL Whitelist
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Blacksail will be whitelisting users deposited in Blacksail vaults prior to launching the SAIL token which is priced using a bonding curve function and is liquid via USDC reserves. Blacksail will launch in Phase 1 with a curated selection of vaults to drive liquidity to our partner exchanges, at this time users can earn eligibility into the whitelist by participating in the pools via a snapshot. In Phase 2 the SAIL token will be made available to whitelisted participants, during the SAIL token initial launch with revenue rewards and voting rights. Lastly, in Phase 3 the whitelist will expire, and the SAIL token will be readily available for acquisition for all market participants.
Launch Phases:
Blacksail Protocol Launch and Snapshots: Blacksail ver 1.1 will be released, and the team will continuously be optimizing and deploying yield strategies (vaults) for our partner exchanges. At this time we will be collecting blockchain data pertaining to user deposits, which will grant eligibility in the upcoming whitelist. Other requirements include being a member in the protocol Discord, Twitter, and Telegram channels. More information can be found on the Blacksail Twitter page. To improve the whitelist quality, users with greater than 100 USDC of TVL deposited in the platform will be eligible for a whitelist of up to 500 USDC total deposits in the SAIL curve before the Curve becomes open to the public. Duration: We estimate this phase to last approximately 1 month.
Whitelist Phase: At this time whitelisted users will be able to deposit USDC in the SAIL bonding curve to receive SAIL tokens up until their 500 USDC total available balance/allotment. Once this allotment is met, users will no longer be able to purchase additional SAIL tokens even if they have disposed of (sold) their SAIL tokens/redeemed them for USDC via the curve. Note: During this phase the protocol will purchase 5% of the total SAIL from the bonding curve to use for marketing, development, and infrastructure purposes and this amount will be accessible periodically after a timelock expiration. More information about the protocol allocation can be found in Anti-Whaling Policies. Duration: We estimate this phase to last approximately 2 weeks.
SAIL Token Full Launch: SAIL revenue allocation and protocol buyback goes fully live. Users will be able to purchase SAIL from the bonding curve despite their whitelist status.
SAIL Token Initial Distribution Fig 1.1 Legend:
Open Market Curve Available Balance (Remaining Balance):
525,000 tokens (75%)
User Whitelist Allocation (Est.:
140,000 tokens (20%) *estimated but depends on total user whitelist participants
Protocol Whitelist Allocation:
35,000 tokens (5%)
Total Supply:
700,000 tokens (100%)