Harvester/Compound Events
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How Often Do the Vaults Compound Rewards?
Our harvester bots are hosted in the highly reliable AWS cloud for nearly 100% uptime and operate on a regular schedule. Here's how they work:
Frequency: The bots run every 5 minutes, scanning for the profitability of the vault's harvest event.
Execution: If the 0.5% harvester dedicated reward fee is greater than the gas cost to compound the pool, the bots will execute. This means the upper bound for harvesting is approximately every 5 minutes but scales on the reward rate and total value of the vault (TVL).
Harvest on Deposit Events: We also harvest on every deposit into the vault to protect against any existing user-earned rewards being distributed to new depositors.
Baseline Harvest Period: Our baseline harvest period is every 2 hours for vaults that have over $200 TVL, ensuring we do not drop below this frequency. Vaults below this TVL may not be picked up by the bot and may require a longer wait between harvest events. If users do not wish to wait for the next event, there is a manual harvest interaction option on the vault as described below.
Manual Harvest: There is a manual harvest button available in the vault info for users who do not want to wait for the next harvest event or would like to trigger a harvest event before they withdraw their tokens.
To check the harvest/compound events, you can click on the Strategy link in the vault card:
This will take you to the sonicscan.org block explorer and you can view the time and details of each harvest event.